Horizontal and Vertical Control for Aerial Mapping Deliverables The primary deliverable for an aerial mapping ground control project will consist of a control book which contains; a. Project control layout used to identify the limits of the project within a city or county wide area. The map will be of sufficient detail to show the proximity of the center panels and offsite control points with respect to local streets and major landmarks and will include the coordinates, elevations and bearing/distance between consecutive points b. Primary control point layout sketch showing the relative position of NGS or TxDOT control stations which were used as the basis for the surveys with respect to the major aerial photography ground control points. c. Datum statement sheet which describes the NGS or TxDOT control stations used and the horizontal and vertical datum of those stations, grid to surface adjustment factors, metric to English conversion factors, and the surveying equipment and processing software used to establish horizontal and vertical values for the control points. d. Tabulations of the grid, surface and geographic coordinates and elevations derived for the control points. e. Control sketch, which is signed and sealed by the supervising RPLS, for each major control point which includes a datum statement; grid, surface and geographic coordinates; elevation; surface adjustment factor; date set; physical description of point; and a recovery sketch. f. Copy of all statistical reports for GPS surveys and closure reports for conventional surveys. g. Copy of all NGS or TxDOT monumentation sheets for control stations upon which the surveys are based. h. Copy of all survey crew field notes. In the event the District does not require all items listed above, only those items required will be provided. This listing is representative of aerial mapping ground control deliverables and may vary depending on the requirements of the individual District. |
6810 Lee Road Spring, Texas 77379 Phone 281.257.4020 Fax 281.257.4021 Toll Free 1.888.456.RODS |
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