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J. DAVID KENNEY, R.P.L.S. Project Surveyor


TO SEE David's PRE-Cert Information<<<---CLICK HERE--



Registered Professional Land Surveyor
LICENSING STATUS: Texas Registration No. 2080 (1979)
TxDOT Precertification Sequence Number: 000010065


San Jacinto College 30 Undergraduate Hours, 1967/1968
Hirschi High School, Wichita Falls, Texas, Diploma 1967
Texas A & M University Surveyors Short Course, 1978
Surveyor-In-Training (T.S.A.) 1979


Texas Society of Professional Surveyors Gulf Coast Chapter Texas Society of Professional Surveyors


Mr. Kenny has 26 years experience in all phases of land surveying including ALTA land title surveys, standard boundary surveys, topographic surveys, and as-built surveys. His responsibilities include the supervision and preparation of right-of-way mapping, utility, topography, bridge replacement surveys, boundary surveys, and pipeline location surveys. He uses AutoCAD2000 and SURVCADD software for survey computation and analysis. He is active in client contact and communication, and with proposal preparation.


City of Houston FIS Parking Complex at Bush Intercontinental Airport. Surveying services to verify location of the new building at Terminal C.

SH 36 from FM 60 in Lyons to SH 21 in Caldwell, Burleson County (13.8mi). Widening of Texas Trunk System and NHS highways within the Bryan District. Field surveying, X-section the Union Pacific Railroad and the Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railroad, extending to toes of slope and covering the limits from Davidson Creek to Main Street, and each direction from SH 36. Locate all existing mileposts within these limits. X-section two major streams including proposed bridge locations at right of existing centerline. X-section all wooded areas and integrate into existing DTM. Fee; $30,100.00 -Contract Completion Date: 8/31/01 -Sub to Bryan District Contract No. 17-845P5005 -Ref: Jesse Cooper -Tel: (Austin ROW Division) 512-416-2874 -Fax: 512- 416-2904 -Email: jcoope2@dot.state.tx.us

City of Houston South Bikeway Columbia Tap Trail N0420-32 along Bastrop, Walker, RXR Easement and Velasco Streets from Texas to Polk. Establish R.O.W. lines of streets and railroad easements, prepare metes and bounds description for railroad easements, pick up complete topographic data electronically. Fee: $18,200.00 Client Reference: De Anda Engineering - Arnold De Anda, P.E. - Tel: 713-928-5880 - Fax: 713-928-2211

City of Houston North Bikeway Little White Oak Bayou Trail, N0420-35 along east bank of Little White Oak Bayou from Cavalcade to Sylvester Streets. Perform recognizance survey as per layout to determine if there is enough bank width to design bikeway. Fee: $22,000.00 - Client Reference: De Anda Engineering - Arnold De Anda, P.E. - Tel: 713-928-5880 - Fax: 713-928-2211

FM 351 from US 59 to US 81. Utility surveys to tie surface utilities horizontally and obtain depths at culverts and at storm sewer locations. Utility locations shall include elevations, horizontal reference, size, type, and owner name, phone, and address. Fee: $30,495.00 -Completion Date: 3/23/01 -Sub to Corpus Christi District -Ref: Randall Kircher -Tel: 361-808-2300 -Fax: 361-808- 2375 -Email: rkircher@dot.state.tx.us

FM 351 from US 59 to SH 202. Perform supplemental topographic survey as required to update project planimetric, perform topographic survey and obtain X-sections of existing cross-street intersections. X-section drainage channels at both right of way lines. Field tie all existing utilities (underground and overhead) within the existing ROW for limits of project. DTM & TIN Geopak format. Fee: 19,672.50 -Completion Date: 05-08-01- Sub to Corpus Christi District-Ref: Randall Kircher -Tel: 361-808-2300 -Fax: 361-808-2375 -Email: rkircher@.dot.state.tx.us

IH 10 from SH 62 to Sabine River (5.8 mi). Right of Way data, locate and tie existing TxDOT ROW monuments along limits of project. Field Surveying, right of entry, establish survey base lines along each street or other alignments, tie to horizontal/vertical control points. Establish benchmark circuit. X-section and profile existing driveways, drainage channels, culverts, and swales, locate existing utilities. Locate horizontal/vertical position of borings. Fee: $229,750.00 -Completion Date: 12/31/03 -Sub to Beaumont District Contract No. 20-14P5003 -Ref: Karen Davis -Tel: 409-898- 5820 -Fax: 409-896-0265 -Email: kdavis@dot.state.tx.us

IH 10 Reconstruction (7.2 mi) from 8750 ft. west of Wallisville Rd. to 2000 ft. east of SH 61 (Trinity River Bridge). Field surveying for aerial mapping, horizontal and vertical control. Field surveying for design surveys, cross section drainage channel @ Turtle Bayou. Tie to existing underground and overhead utilities, determine changes in topography due to flight, ties to existing bridges, cross culverts, X-sections @ ROW and 100 ft. outside ROW and cross streets. Digital Terrain Models (DTM.). Fee: $121,606.00 -Completion Date: 05-31-02 -Sub to Beaumont District Contract No. 20-045P5013 -Ref: Karen Davis -Tel: 409-898-5820 -Fax: 409-896-0265 -Email: kdavis@dot.state.tx.us

PORT OF HOUSTON PUBLIC ELEVATOR SITE NO. 2 - Design services to develop additional rail storage tracks. Alignment surveys and topographic surveys developed in AutoCad format. Provide original cross sections for design of construction. Started: 4/28/000 - Completed: 1/20/00 - Fee: $22,325.00 - Reference: Sparks and Barlow, Inc. - Robert Barnett, P.E. - Tel: 713-965-9996 - Fax: 713-965-0044

Mr. Kenney was project manager for the Bridge Replacement/Rehabilitation Program for FM 1048 @ Hog Creek in Falls County and FM 342 @ Branch of Little Cottonwood Creek in Limestone County. Field surveying, topographic surveys for bridge and hydraulic design, and photogrammetry surveys were provided. Owner is TxDOT Waco District Contract No. 09-145P5003. Ref: Kevin Dickey, Tel: 254-867-2728, Fax: 254-867-2738. The surveying work began January 28, 2003 and will be completed December 31, 2004 for a fee of $18,349.00.

Mr. Kenney was Project Manager as Prime to TxDOT Laredo Contract No. 22-4XXP1002 - Traffic Control Plan for seven intersections - Field surveying, topographic survey for traffic signals, and tie existing horizontal & vertical control. This includes traffic signals, flashing beacons, and illumination, as well as bridge hydrology analysis, railroad traffic signals, and railroad replanking. This project was completed December 15, 2003 for a fee of $43,042.50. Reference: Juan Campos - Tel: 956-712-7737 - Fax: 956-712-7401 - Email: jrcampos@dot.state.tx.us

Mr. Kenney was Project Manager as subconsultant for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Corridors for eight major thoroughfare intersections Along Hempstead Highway @ W. Little York, Gessner, Sprite, Fairbanks/N. Houston, Pinemont, Clay/W. 43rd, Bingle and Lang. The purpose of the survey was to identify relevant topographic information at intersections to be used to create base maps which will be used as a basis for preparing traffic signal plans. Completed: July 31, 2002 for a fee of $4,000.00 per intersection. Client Reference: KLOTZ & Associates - Billy Cooke - Tel: 281-589-7257 - Fax: 281-589-7309

Mr. Kenney was Project Manager on the following TxDOT Bryan District Subcontract No. 17-145P5002 executed on February 23, 2001 whereas work was completed February 28, 2002. This required the development of PS&E for bridge replacements and roadway rehabilitation projects. He performed surveying for various traffic and drainage studies as well. The following work authorization include field surveying for resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation of these roadways. Client: Fields Engineering (now, Aguirre Fields Engineering) - Ref: James Baker, P.E., Tel: 281-340-8900 - Email: james.baker@aguirre-fields.com W.A. #3 - Fee was $15,267.25 for field surveying for adding turn lanes, prepare signing, markings and signalization layout for SH 75 @ Rainey Lane Intersection in Madison County.


  6810 Lee Road
Spring, Texas 77379
Phone 281.379.6388
Fax 281.379.1602
Toll Free

Contact RODS (David Kenny)

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RODS Surveying Inc.
6810 Lee Road
Spring, Texas 77379
Phone 281.379.6388
Fax 281.379.1602
Toll Free