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DAVID SVRCEK, R.P.L.S.  Project Manager    

TO SEE David's PRE-Cert Information<<<---CLICK HERE--


Registered Professional Land Surveyor
 LICENSING STATUS: Texas Registration No. 2113 (August 3,1979)
 TxDOT Precertification Sequence Number: 000002495


Blinn Jr. College, Brenham, Texas, January 1, 1969
 Associate in Arts Degree (A.A.)
 1993 & 1994 TSPS GPS Seminar
 1995/1996 TSPS Boundary Surveying Using Advanced GPS Techniques
 1997 TSPS Horizontal and Vertical Control Survey Using GPS Seminar


Texas Society of Professional Surveyors, Gulf Coast Chapter 


Project Manager and Field Supervisor for RODS Surveying. Mr. Svrcek has 35  years of survey experience and is responsible for project management and  supervision of field crews. Specific project experience with right-of-way mapping  survey projects, design surveys, horizontal and vertical control for aerial  photogrammetry, improvement surveys with total station/data collector, utility,  topographic cross-sections and construction staking. Familiar with both vertical and  horizontal datums and state plane coordinate systems.


TxDOT Corpus Christi Fiscal Year 1997-1999 -right of way mapping project;

TxDOT Pharr District Fiscal Year 1999-2000 -On call for right of way mapping, field surveys;

TxDOT Houston District Fiscal Year 1998 -2001 -Right of way mapping, horizontal and vertical control for aerial photogrammetry, design surveys, and G.P.S. surveys;

TxDOT Odessa District Evergreen Contract 1998 -2001 right of way data, field surveying, topographic surveys, and horizontal & vertical control for aerial mapping;

TxDOT Lufkin District 1998 to 2000 -FM 415, Horizontal & Vertical control, and right of
way mapping;

TxDOT Bryan District Fiscal Year 1996-1999, FM 60, FM 39, FM 58, B6R and SH 105- On call right of way mapping;

TxDOT Bryan District Fiscal Year 1996-1999 -Topographic survey, GPS horizontal and vertical control for aerial photogrammetry;

TxDOT Bryan District Fiscal Year 1997-1999 -Design surveys in the counties of Brazos, Burleson, Freestone, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Milam, Robertson, Walker, and Washington, Texas;

TxDOT Bryan District, SH 21 -Horizontal & vertical control, topographic survey and right of way alignment for design.

TxDOTLaredo District, FM 3364 -Upgrade from IH 35 to proposed Northwest International Bridge;

TxDOT Houston District IH 45 North @ Beltway 8 -Four connectors, Design topographic surveying;
Roberto Obregon, RPLS, Resume (Continued)

TxDOT Houston District Fiscal Year 1996-1998 -On call for right of way mapping, field surveys;

FM 365 proposed improvements to replace bridge and approaches at Hildebrandt Bayou in Jefferson County. Field survey for horizontal/vertical ties of critical existing facilities and features which influence design, elevations of existing driveways and road profiles of intersection roads, cross sections, data required to design and prepare plans and documents for project. Completion Date: 2/00 -Ref: TxDOT Beaumont District, Contract No. 20- 745P5007, Karen Davis.

US 54 Widening (41 miles) design survey, right of way mapping, field survey, and photogrammetry, G. P .S., from a 2-lane section to either a divided 4-lane section or a 4-lane section with a flush median from the end of the curb and gutter section at the West City Limit of Dalhart to the New Mexico State Line. Completion Date: 12/31/2000, Ref: Sub to TxDOT Amarillo, Ref. Kenneth Petro Tel: 806-934-1122.

US 54 Widening (18.62 miles) field surveying and right of way mapping from 2-lane to divided 4-lane or 4-lane with flush median, North city limit of Stratford to Oklahoma State Line. Completion Date: 12/31/2000 -Ref: Sub to TxDOT Amarillo District, Ref. Kenneth Petro Tel: 806-934-1122.


  6810 Lee Road
Spring, Texas 77379
Phone 281.379.6388
Fax 281.379.1602
Toll Free

Contact RODS (David Svrcek)

Please Use This Form to Contact David or If you Like you can reach us by using the contact information below

RODS Surveying Inc.
6810 Lee Road
Spring, Texas 77379
Phone 281.257.4020
Fax 281.257.4021
Toll Free