RUBEN CALDERON, R.P .L.S. Project Manager
TO SEE RUBEN's PRE-Cert Information<<<---CLICK HERE--
REGISTRATION: Registered Professional Land Surveyor EDUCATION: 1969-1974 Universidad de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico, PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Texas Society of Professional Surveyors Gulf Coast Chapter Texas Society of Professional Surveyors EXPERIENCE: Project Surveyor and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Specialist with over 20 years experience providing surveying services. Typical project types include computations for route surveys in both standard and metric projects, topographic surveys, design surveys, boundary surveys, easement surveys, parcel acquisition maps, metes & bounds, plats, as-built surveys, aerial surveys, field data reduction and CADD Drafting in Micro Station and AutoCAD. Subconsultant under TxDOT
Laredo District Contract No. 22-245P5008 for Field Surveying and
Right of Way Services for 14.132 miles on FM 624 from 5.373 miles North
of FM 629 to 8.759 miles South of FM 469. He was responsible for providing
all traffic control, labor and equipment for the Traffic Control Plan
(TCP), ownership data and obtaining Right-of-Entry from property owners,
establish ground control, topographic of utility coordination and layout,
property descriptions, parcel plats, ROW maps, property ties, boundary
data, and stake existing/proposed right of way. This project was completed
09/30/03 Client: Chiang Patel & Yerby, Inc. - Ref: Joseph Arteritano
- Tel: 210-494-8004 - Fax: 210-494-8286 - Email: jarteritano@cpyi.com US 59 & SH 44 TxDOT Laredo
District 1999 Contract No. 21-445P5010 - Limits:From Laredo to
San Diego (90 Miles) - G.P.S. RTK (Real Time Kinematic) and field surveys
for R-O-W mapping, monumentation and cross-sections. Metric system was
used on this project. FIELD SURVEYS: Abstracting, right-of-entry, deed
sketches, reconnaissance and tie with existing right-of-way maps and deed
sketches to locate existing right-of-way corners, front and back property
corners. Locate and tie existing utilities, cross section drainage channels,
measurement of hydraulic opening under existing bridges, establish benchmarks
at intervals not to exceed 500 meters on proposed right-of-way line. RIGHT-OF-WAY
MAPPING: 100 parcels of land. Analyze existing right-of-way lines intersecting
property lines and best fit in relation to found monuments and iron pins.
CAD drafting of existing right-of-way lines, property lines, ownership
data, easements, utilities and drainage channel sections. MONUMENTATION:
Monument center line at all P.C.s, P.I.s, and P.T.s of horizontal curves,
angle points, and 500 meter stations on tangents with 5/8 inch iron rods.
Monument proposed right-of-way lines with TxDOT brass disks in concrete
at all P.C.s, P.I.s, and P.T.s of horizontal curves, angle points, and
at 500 meter stations on tangents. Completion Date: On-Going - Ref: Juan
Campos - Tel: 956-712-7737 - Fax: 956-712-7401 - Email: jrcampos@dot.state.tx.us RECONSTRUCTION OF US 83/US77 from SH 100 TO FM 3248. Sub to TxDOT Pharr District, Contract No. 21-045P5034. Right of way and utility adjustment, and field surveying. Preparation of exhibits for environmental documentation prepared by TxDOT, public involvement, survey, route studies and schematic design. The project will provide for the expansion of the existing four mainlanes to six mainlanes controlled access freeway and improvements to existing frontage roads. US 77/US 83 INTERCHANGE in Cameron County. Prime to TxDOT Pharr District, Contract No. 21-OXXP1003. Field surveying, horizontal control, establish existing baseline and centerline, establish US 77 northbound and southbound PGL, topography, crioss sections and spot elevations, tie all 4 corners of bridges, tie centerline of bridge bents, utilities and easements, locate and identify all utilities horizontally & vertically. US 54 -19.62 miles, G.P .S. -Widening (TxDOT Amarillo District) from 2-lane to divided 4-lane or 4-lane with flush median, North City Limit of Stratford to the Oklahoma State Line. US 54 -41 miles, G.P .S. -Widening (TxDOT Amarillo District) from a 2-lane section to either a divided 4-lane section or a 4-lane section with flush median at the west city limit of Dalhart to the New Mexico State Line. US 87 -23.37 miles G.P .S.- Widening (TxDOT Amarillo District) from 2-lane to divided 4-lane. IH 45 -0.22 miles North of Spring Cypress Rd.. to Montgomery/Harris County Line. Construction of mainlane roadway widening and reconstruction of an existing 4-lane divided freeway to an 8 to 10- lane divided urban freeway facility with 3-lane frontage roads in each direction and a HOV lane with 4-pairs of entrance/exit ramps. IH 45 (N) @ Beltway 8 -Primary survey control adjustment, level loops adjustment, existing ROW determination, cross-sections, tie existing structures for interconnects, location of bore holes, process raw data files to produce finished drawing (DGN format) SI (metric system. SH 35 From SH 288 to FM 521 -TxDOT Houston District, 3.838 miles, four bridges, widening 2-lane undivided rural highway with open ditch drainage to 4-lane, divided rural highway with raised median and open ditch drainage. Field surveying using Total Station Data Collector. FM 60 from Brazos River Bridge to FM 50 -Right of way and design survey project showing ownership of land west of the Brazos River. G.P.S. SH 105; From FM 577 to FM 50 -Establish GPS survey control, planning sessions, collect and process data, GPS network adjustment, primary survey control adjustment, existing ROW determination, calculate ROW taking, produce ROW sheets, parcel plats, metes and bounds. SI (standard English system). US 59 & SH 44 from Laredo to San Diego -90 miles -G.P .S. RTK and field surveys for right of way mapping. TxDOT Laredo District. SH 36 (13.6 miles) from US 77 in Cameron to Bell County Line; and SH 36 @ Buckholts in Milam County" Both projects required G.P .S. control for photogrammetry project. G.P .S. RTK. SH21/US 190 from 1 km west of Coulter Field to 1.2 km east of FM 2038, 12.8 miles. G.P.S. control photogrammetry project in the TxDOT Bryan District. G.P .S. BS 6-R from Dominik to FM 2818, Brazos County, TxDOT Bryan showing District widening of highway and effect of land ownerships. G.P,S. FM 158 from FM 1179 to SH 30 in Brazos County for TxDOT Bryan District. Right of Mapping, Abstract Map, Title search. G.P .S. |
6810 Lee Road Spring, Texas 77379 Phone 281.379.6388 Fax 281.379.1602 Toll Free 1.888.456.RODS |
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